After graduating from Holy Trinity, Judy earned a BA from Hofstra University with a dual major in Mathematics and Secondary Education. While teaching at Morris Hills High School, Judy became one of the first individuals to earn an MA in Computer Science from Montclair State College. After taking a position in the private sector, Judy worked in the emerging field of micro computing. She was on the forefront of bringing personal computers, ubiquitous email, and networking to Grumman Corporation and later, JP Morgan Chase.
Judy volunteered with the Holy Trinity Alumni and Development Office throughout the 2000s, helping to run and participate in numerous career days, golf outings, and Hall of Fame galas. In 2013, she was elected to the Holy Trinity Hall of Fame in recognition of her contributions of time, talent, and treasure to the Trinity community. Since retiring in 2013, Judy has volunteered with the Mercy Hospital Leagues of Mercy, helping to “friend-raise” funds for patient-centered enrichment items. Additionally, Judy has volunteered for the past 10 years with the AARP Tax-Aide program, providing free tax preparation for senior and low income taxpayers, as a preparer, instructor and currently as State Training Coordinator responsible for training other instructors and tax preparers in Brooklyn, Queens, Nassau and Suffolk.